90 Degrees:  Thoughts about Right Angles, Circles, and Non-Traditional Ways of Sustainable Living
Yurts with 90 Degrees at Center Stand Strong

What About Non-Western European Constructs?

Hold on!  What about other ways to live (‘build’) that don’t fit the ‘Western Classical’ traditions of right angles and cornerstones?  While Yurts, Igloos, Teepees, Mud Houses, and other sustainable approaches to living might not be built specifically using a right angle, the right angle usually still hovers within.   A right angle if possible, from top center to ground, helps shore things up.

90 Degrees Up is really about an idea linked to a vision for sustainable, responsible stewardship of our resources; for the good of community – locally or globally.

Some interesting reads:  The Center for Diagonality

From Einstein Online.:  “The two angles of the triangle that lie along the equator (red line) are both right angles.”